Cat News, Read All About It!

State of Emergency: The Mail is Here!!! Check it Quick!
Humans, you should let us kitties check the mail more often. This is truly how it’s done!


Top Story in The News: Boxes
We were planning on reporting on Colonel Meow’s adept reporting on boxes before we learned of his untimely departure from our world. We are keeping this piece in our news feed in honor of him.

Boxes, boxes, boxes. How does one deal with the enticement of a box (whether empty or not, but preferably empty or full of packing material or warm laundry)? Colonel Meow will help you decide how deal with those boxes.


Top Story in Home Decor: Birds
Let’s face it: I’m a cat and I like birds (and lizards and crickets and bugs … and I keep telling my human that I really do actually want to meet that raccoon that comes through our yard every night!). So guess what?! I found a great website that tells you all about birds. And there’s pictures of birds. And its education about birds. So now when I finally catch one of those silly little birds in the bushes outside the front door, I can bring it back inside and tell my human exactly what kind of bird it is and how to take a fabulous picture of it to decorate our walls with right before I let it go so I can laugh at my humans bad hunting skills. Somehow, whenever I let her do some hunting, the lizard or bug (no birds yet, but that’ll happen, I promise!) inevitably gets back outside again. Man is my human a bad hunter! So where do you find this great website? Here at or at


Top Story in Health: The Death of an Internet Master-Cat
It is with a heavy heart that we must report the passing of Colonel Meow. We are very saddened by this news. Our thoughts are with his humans.


Now for your commercial break


Top Story in Community: Project Bay Cat
Project Bay Cat is a San Francisco based feral cat organization helping to spay and neuter feral cats in the area (their facebook page is here and their website is here). They’ve reduced the feral cat population by 59% simply through spay/neuter of the cats there. Research has shown that removing feral cats from an area does not eliminate feral cat populations. Rather, it creates a vacuum for new feral cats to come in and take over the consumption of whatever food source drew the cats to the area in the first place. Food sources can be human created or nature created food sources. If you see feral cats in your neighborhood, please contact a local feral cat organization. The feral cats you see may be part of a managed colony of feral cats, which means they are being cared for by volunteers and depend on generous donations from the community to continue feeding and medically caring for the cats. If the feral cats you see are not part of a managed colony, the local feral cat organization can now do what they can to spay/neuter these new cats and to try to care for them, as well. Please consider volunteering for a local feral cat organization. It’s easy to do. Simple feeding doesn’t take a lot of time for those busy folks. Being a driver to get trapped feral cats to and from veterinary appointments is another great way to volunteer for those who work odd hours and are available during the morning and evening hours (for pick-up and drop-off times). Trapping cats for veterinary appointments (usually for spay/neuter appointments) is another great way to help out. This is usually done at night with the trapper maintaining a safe distance from the trap while keeping an eye on it to make sure you can get the trapped cat to a safe location before predators can harm the cat. Also offering space in your home, if you have it, for cats to recoup from surgery or while waiting for surgery is another great option. However, your space needs to be entirely enclosed with no holes or escape routes for the cat (feral cats are super smart and sneaky when it comes to escaping and hiding). Asking the feral cat organization how to keep feral cats safe while recuperating is a great idea. Also, when

Project Bay Cat's very own Grumpy Cat

Project Bay Cat’s very own Grumpy Cat

contacting a feral cat organization, please keep in mind that most of these are all volunteer organization; therefore, it can take them a few days to get back to you. And lastly, if you’re unable to volunteer, please consider donating to a feral cat colony in your area. Check their websites to see if they have a donation wishlist of items they may need. The green stuff (and I don’t mean catnip) is also a big help and can keep the kitties in food. Also, see if you can sponsor a feral kitty. Be willing to offer the financial needs of that kitty throughout its life (which includes food, veterinary care, and shelter, even if that shelter isn’t an actual home). This can be a great way to care for a kitty if you’re unable to have one of your own (or if you want more than you have but can’t have more than you have – pesky rental pet policies). Do keep in mind that in a feral colony, the caretakes can, in no way, guarantee that the food given by that cat or the shelter provided for that cat will be eaten or used solely by that cat. We’re cats, after all. You know us when it comes to pet beds. You buy the coziest, comfiest pet bed and we still sleep on your pillow or in your laundry basket. And I have been known to share my crunchies and yet steal canned food from other cats.

Keep in mind that the kitties in the video below are Project Bay Cat feral kitties living together in a colony. Watch the love! 


Top Story in Opinion: I Read This Story Today
So beautiful. Too beautiful not to share. Please adopt your next best friend!!!

391734_508717015813423_1268174166_n“I RESCUED A HUMAN TODAY Her eyes met mine as she walked down the corridor peering apprehensively into the kennels. I felt her need instantly and knew I had to help her. I wagged my tail, not too exuberantly, so she wouldn’t be afraid. As she stopped at my kennel I blocked her view from a little accident I had in the back of my cage. I didn’t want her to know that I hadn’t been walked today. Sometimes the overworked shelter keepers get too busy and I didn’t want her to think poorly of them. As she read my kennel card I hoped that she wouldn’t feel sad about my past. I only have the future to look forward to and want to make a difference in someone’s life. She got down on her knees and made little kissy sounds at me. I shoved my shoulder and side of my head up against the bars to comfort her. Gentle fingertips caressed my neck; she was desperate for companionship. A tear fell down her cheek and I raised my paw to assure her that all would be well. Soon my kennel door opened and her smile was so bright that I instantly jumped into her arms. I would promise to keep her safe. I would promise to always be by her side. I would promise to do everything I could to see that radiant smile and sparkle in her eyes. I was so fortunate that she came down my corridor. So many more are out there who haven’t walked the corridors. So many more to be saved. At least I could save one. I rescued a human today. Janine Allen”

Good night and Feed Me Canned Food!

Give Me the Remote!!!

I have to see this show!!! Somebody tell me they know when it’s air date is!!!

Reading Material

big-new-yorker-book-of-cats-290For Christmas, with the help of J.S., I got everyone in my house The Big New Yorker Book of Cats. I wanted a book devoted to cat stories so that everyone could read me bedtime stories any time I started feeling sleepy. I’ve enjoyed The Big New Yorker Book of Cats so far, but it got me started thinking that perhaps I’d like another book to have read to me when this one’s finished. So I started asking around for ideas.

catsenseMy inquiries paid off. C.A. said I might want to consider a book called Cat Sense: How the New Feline Science Can Make You a Better Friend to Your Pet. It’s more of an educational book for humans published late last year and was written by Dr. John Bradshaw, a biologist who’s been studying cats for over 30 years. I think that must mean he knows a little bit about us. I’m sure I know everything that’s in this particular book, but I’ll enjoy watching my humans’ faces when they learn something new about me. The cat species is entirely too mysterious for humans and I think lots more kind, loving research should be done on how to make us happy!

Ticket to Drive

It’s official!!! I can legally drive my stroller now! I’m not sure my height is correct, though. I think I’m taller than that. And what’s with the stupid picture? Why does every cat I know have a bad driver’s license picture?

Whatever! I’m ready to go cruising around the neighborhood in my green stroller with my new driver’s license. Mom won’t hand over the keys, though. She says she still thinks of me as her little boy. Bah humbug!!!

Dog … a copilot?

My mom’s brother …. I guess that would be my uncle … came to visit for Christmas. He has a dog who’s name is Princess Babaloo. Princess likes to play with kitties, or so I’m told. I didn’t really understand the game. I went outside to meet Princess and she’s HUGE (a pitbull mix, maybe with some boxer in there). Princess started running towards me and I ran away. Princess thought it was a game of chase and started running after me. I made it back inside safely, but mom said I made Princess sad because I wouldn’t play with her. What kind of game is that, anyway? I stayed safely away from her and am now not too sure about that whole going outside thing. There are dogs out there! Scary.

Anyway, here’s a video of me with a new Christmas feather my Uncle bought for me. I like him. He patted me, and held me, and loved me, and bought me feathers!

New Years Eve

CatI know it’s not Christmas quite yet, but since New Year’s Eve isn’t far behind, I thought now might be the time to talk. I myself am a bit of a party cat and would love to entertain at a wondrous New Year’s Eve Party. But let’s face it, even a party cat like me can get overwhelmed with all that champagne and want to just hide away somewhere. Or, better yet, sneak out the front door and take a ride home with someone else for the night. And I’m a bit of an outgoing kind of guy. Just think of all those little kitties who are shy, skittish, and unsure of strangers. Take my little sister, Penny, for example. The most a “stranger” has gotten in is a 15 second pat on her rump as she’s running away … and to her, a stranger is anyone other than me and my mom. I know she’s not the only kitty out there like this. So here are some tips for keeping us kitties safe and happy for New Years.

  • Remember that it’s much easier for us to escape when doors are opening and closing a lot, especially if alcohol is involved in your evening’s celebrations.
  • If you have a room that your kitties enjoy hanging out in, other than the main entertaining area of your home, keeping kitties in that room with a litter box, food and water (please don’t put our food and water near our litter box) can be a great way of keeping us safe, cozy and comfy.
  • Remember that kazoos, champagne corks exploding out of bottles, party poppers, balloons, streamers, fireworks, and any other strange and loud noises can easily frighten us; we don’t really understand what all that stuff is for and it can be really scary.
  • Please don’t feed us party food or alcohol – some of it can be toxic and dangerous to us.
  • Make sure we’re wearing a collar with your contact information just in case we should somehow slip out and get really scared. And if your kitties aren’t microchipped, consider getting it done, because it can be a great way to reconnect you to your kitty should your kitty end up at a veterinarian’s office or shelter.
  • Please have a good time; all I ask is that you keep your pets safe and stay safe yourself!


Last Minute Gift Idea

Downton-Tabby-1There’s a fabulous new book out called Downton Tabby! It sells for just $10, but I’ve seen it on sale for only $8. How can you beat that price? If anyone’s looking for a fabulous gift, for your friends, family – or ME! – this could be it! Check it out now! I just wish I could have been in it!